Wedding Photographs – Professional Or Amateur?

Wedding Ceremony & Reception

So many traditions have built up around the institution of marriage, some of which are more comprehensible than others. One of the more reasonable ones is the importance of wedding photos, an issue which leads many people to debate whether there is a justification for spending big money on a wedding photographer when just about every person there will be armed with a camera. Most people decide that it is entirely justifiable, and point to the importance of having souvenirs from the day. If it seems to you that having a husband or a wife would be the only souvenir you need, then that is fine – but not everyone agrees.

The thing that matters most about photographs is that they really capture the occasion – the people, the clothes, the flowers and the rest of it. If you have a keen photographer in the family (on either side), then you may see fit to give them a bit of cash for the privilege of them taking your official wedding photographs. If you want the photographs to be presented in a certain way, though, it is often easier (if more expensive) to get them done professionally. They will be bound in a personalized wedding album and will be of a high quality, but it will cost money.

It is worth bearing in mind that perhaps no other photographs you will ever appear in will mean as much to you as these ones – so you do want to be able to look at them without cringing. If you have the money to spend, a professional is usually worth the cost.


Hi, I'm Alison and welcome to my wedding blog.

I had been preparing for my wedding since I was 8. I even chose wedding planning as a career, which I love. When it was my time for the big day, I wanted it to be perfect, like a fairy tale. I did everything in my hand to plan it to the last detail. Some small things didn't come up as I had planned, but most of them did, and I realised I was good at it and felt proud of what I do for a living.

I created this blog to share everything that I have learned over the year and to help others who need a hand on planning their wedding, and are feeling lost.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to help you along the way.
