Modern Wedding Cakes For The Modern Bride

Wedding Ceremony & Reception

Modern weddings cakes are becoming more common during the receptions of marriage ceremonies. Traditional cakes are usually covered in a thick layer of icing and stacked like a tower. The difficulty in making these delicious desserts comes into play when you consider the physical and structural strength that the cake needs to support any decorations that the couple or wedding planner deems necessary. Of course, in the same way that lacey white dresses aren’t always right for every bride anymore, the standard wedding cake may not be right for every couple.

Cakes nowadays might not even be cakes. They may be made up of tens or hundreds of cupcakes. Themes make a big difference in the cake and its components.Now more than ever, there are a greater number of alternative lifestyles and diets that determine what a person can and cannot eat. This has invariably given birth to a niche that many chefs and bakers have tried to fill. It isn’t traditional, but if it leads to tastier desserts, then all the more power to the bakers out there.

There are, however, some considerations that should be made in order to aid in choosing or creating the perfect cake. Before anything else (especially if the planner or baker isn’t good friends with the bride and groom) they should check if the lovely couple or any of their immediate family is allergic to anything.

The fanciest modern wedding cakes won’t do a lick of good if they cause the groom to break out in hives. Allergies are popping out by the barrelful, and it pays to be careful. Some allergic reactions can be particularly dramatic and even require hospitalization. That would obviously be a massive problem in the middle of a wedding! A little precaution can go a long way.

Modern wedding cakes are becoming increasingly common, but mental blocks are still an issue. Much like picking the right dress or the appropriate decoration, it’s something that can be resolved by looking into the theme of the wedding. If the couple wants a sci-fi wedding, they will probably play up the decorations with a Star Wars or Star Trek motif.

The cake could be shaped like one of the many ships or futuristic tools present in many of those science fiction works. If the couples interested in sports most modern wedding cakes would possess a motif closely related to the sport in question, such as a cake with boxing glove shaped cupcakes and basketball shaped or detailed cookies.

Food is a good way to get people in a celebrating mood and during a wedding the cake is usually the centerpiece of the reception – aside from the newlyweds of course. Hungry people are rarely up for joyous shouting or anything remotely enjoyable. Just like the theme of the marriage ceremony, the bride’s dress, its vital part of making sure that a wedding is a memorable success. Keep that in mind when you’re looking through modern wedding cakes that you can use as it will help you pick the very best.


Hi, I'm Alison and welcome to my wedding blog.

I had been preparing for my wedding since I was 8. I even chose wedding planning as a career, which I love. When it was my time for the big day, I wanted it to be perfect, like a fairy tale. I did everything in my hand to plan it to the last detail. Some small things didn't come up as I had planned, but most of them did, and I realised I was good at it and felt proud of what I do for a living.

I created this blog to share everything that I have learned over the year and to help others who need a hand on planning their wedding, and are feeling lost.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to help you along the way.
